Photo de Freddie sur UnsplashSource : Thales


AI x Frugal Air Data Collection

This challenge is over, applications are closed.

Challenge Overview

Description du challenge

In the field of onboard aviation, a major challenge arises in terms of limited or intermittent connectivity. For example, in commercial aviation, connectivity is often only available at the “gates”, or for drones, only when they fly over ground stations. This situation makes it impossible to retrieve constant and massive data streams, such as videos or audio recordings. Furthermore, the storing of all this data onboard the aircraft and transferring it later, on the ground, also presents considerable challenges. Thus, it is essential to find efficient solutions for frugally collecting the necessary operational data.

Photo de Andrés Dallimonti sur Unsplash
Photo de Andrés Dallimonti sur Unsplash
Photo de Miguel A Amutio sur Unsplash
Photo de Miguel A Amutio sur Unsplash


What we are looking for:

- An algorithmic technology capable to select relevant data to be stored and send it in the collection pipeline

- AND/OR a system that maximally compresses data to require minimal storage size and bandwidth

- AND/OR hardware technology capable of storing maximum data with minimal weight and power consumption

- OR an idea of your own that would solve the problem of frugal data collection mentioned above.

Projects you could be working on

- Algorithmic technology selecting relevant data during aircraft or drone flights

- Data compression technology

- Aerospace-compatible data storage hardware technologies

- Aerospace-compatible data transfer technologies